A house sale is guaranteed as opposed to having your property sat on the open market for months. Selling via a company like ours is not only far more efficient and hassle free, but also doesn’t come with any associated additional costs (estate agency fees & legal costs).
At auction, there is no guarantee that your property will sell (even at your reserve price) and there will then be a public record of your property not being sold at that price. This can result in a decrease of your property’s value on the open market.
On our initial consultation call, we’ll take some details on your property and then do a desktop appraisal by looking at property and area details using various online sources. The combination of this information will allow us to provide a cash offer. If you’d like to proceed, we then conduct a single viewing to confirm our initial valuation.
Once you’ve agreed to sell your property to us, we’ll ask you to complete some simple paperwork, and provide us with documents proving your identity and that you do own the property in question. We’ll also instruct a solicitor for you (that we pay for) to complete all legal due diligence. We manage the rest of the process as any normal sale to complete on the date you have chosen. You will be kept informed rigorously at every stage of proceedings.
There are no fees for you to pay whatsoever. We even cover all of your legal costs.
In the rare instances where our offer has to change after our single viewing, then you can walk away free of charge. However, if our offer has not changed and you simply change your mind, there may be a small fee to pay to cover the time & cost we invested into the sale process up to that point. Please note that we are very considerate when it comes to these matters and work on a case by case basis, and take individual circumstances into consideration.
On the day the purchase is complete, you will receive the pre-agreed cash amount immediately.
When selling any property, a solicitor is needed to conduct the conveyance process i.e. the legal transference of home ownership from one to another. We provide a solicitor for you completely free of charge.
Required documents vary case by case. It depends on certain factors such as whether you are the sole owner of the property, selling the house through probate or if you’re going through a divorce. Our dedicated team are at hand to let you know exactly which paperwork will be needed.
We can purchase your property in the time frame you desire. Our shorted route to sale completion can take just 7 working days but it’s completely dependent on you as the seller.
No, we buy virtually all other property types too.
We are a genuine cash home buyer. We buy the property from you directly with our own funds, and do not act as a middle man. We also don’t rely on third parties e.g. banks and other mortgage lenders. We are the only company involved in the sale chain.